Mexico has different sets of labor law that limits only

Friday, May 6, 2016

The intricacy of the modern world poses a lot of challenges in managing today’s workforce. Handling workforce and work time are not as straightforward as taking note when somebody comes to work at 9 and leaves at 6pm, for example. Work hour is not only limited to what an employer needs from their employees, it also has to...

T he intricacy of the modern world poses a lot of challenges in managing today’s workforce. Handling workforce and work time are not as...

Tips to Choosing Time & Attendance System

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Is Your System Sufficient? Keeping track of time in the workplace is not news; businesses have been adopting time and attendance system for quite sometime and many have been managing it well without requiring automated or complicated software. That is, if the business only requires you to keep time and attendance fairly simple by only collecting employee recorded......

Is Your System Sufficient? Keeping track of time in the workplace is not news; businesses have been adopting time and attendance system f...